A bluffing game in explicit detail

Deck Around -- Welcome

You and your friends will crack up 

Enliven parties with a hilarious new free game 

Heard this one before? You're having drinks with friends and everyone is on their iPhone. One person is talking about their new diet (nobody cares). 

Deck Around is here because parties need more fun -- more laughs, more surprise -- and more party

It's easy: Each round, you pick a strange slang word and write a convincing-sounding definition for it -- convincing enough that you can trick everyone else into believing it's the real one.

Play Deck Around Free!

What the Deck is This? 

Cleveland steamer; the Dutch oven; twerking... these are all words you know (for better or worse). But have you heard of a "soil sample" or the "Boston blowfish"? Well, in the party game Deck Around, you're going to convince your friends that you do -- by writing a ridiculous made-up definition and anonymously handing it in.

Watch the video above to find out how to play. Here's a quick description for if you can't hear or something: 

  1. You pick a random slang term from the deck and everyone writes a made up but convincing definition for the word and anonymously hands it in. 
  2. One person reads all the definitions aloud, including the actual definition of the word, which is randomly mixed in. 
  3. Everyone guesses which definition is the real one and get points if they do. They usually fall for someone else's bullshit definition -- which earns its author a point. 

(Detailed rules.)

What People Think

"SO MUCH FUN!!! There were 8 of us and we all LOVED the game! My stomach hurts from laughing so much!" -- Ariella

"Better than Cards Against Humanity!" -- Sean

"We had a marvelous time playing this game at our girls night in. We laughed so hard we almost wet our pants at the definitions some gave. Whew, hilarious. Can't wait to play it again." -- Candee

"I wanted to find something equal or greater to Cards Against Humanity on the 'morally incorrect' scale. I was not misled, this is superb." -- Matt

"So we played Deck Around last face still hurts from laughing so hard!" -- Brandy

"I want to play so bad I carry it around in my purse" -- Christi

"I gave it to my boyfriend as a belated gift and he LOVES it. The game is AWESOME!" -- Hannah

"I couldn't breathe through laughing and pee'd myself a bit. So preparation will be required next time - if you get my drift! Good times!" -- Victoria


What's in the Box 

The full game has everything you need to Deck Around:


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